Mental Health and Addictions Support

Bridge the Gapp: (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador) Newfoundland and Labrador’s go-to mental health and addictions website, including self-help resources, information and links to resources and services for both adults and youth.

Mental Health and Addictions Contacts

CHANNAL Warm Line (1-855-753-2560 or 753-2560) Non-emergency, non-crisis telephone support between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., 7 days a week.

Crisis Text Line Text “Talk” to 68686

Mental Health Crisis Line (1-888-737-4668/737-4668) and TTY: 1-888-709-3555) Available 24 hours per day / 7 days per week.


Tutoring For Tuition

TFT is getting started very soon. Please find attached the permission slip to send home with students that you believe should avail of this service. Feel free to send them home at your earliest convenience and return them to me so we can get this up and running. We have 13 tutors this year (so far), so there should be room for a lot of students! let me know if you have any questions or need a hard copy of the permission slip!

Permission slip for tutoring

Rural NL Tutoring Support

You can be located anywhere in the province yet your kids could access our tutoring programs now right from the comfort of your home and receive financial assistance up to 100%!

LDANL has been providing one-on-one specialized tutoring programs in Reading (the Barton System) and Math to students with Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia) for ten years at our office.